CAD conversion is the process of converting scan-based and PDF drawings into CAD drawings. AceCAD provides high-quality AutoCAD services to architects and real estate professionals. We re-draw the drawings in CAD using the careful reference to the original hard copies. We can handle CAD conversions of any size and produce the highest quality outputs.
           Our experts at AceCAD have the hands-on experience of converting raw data into editable CAD designs. Their skills and training allow them to comprehend the drawings in Architecture, Structural Engineering, Civil Engineering, and many other areas. We provide CAD output files in the preferred format by our clients. Our team works with a variety of CAD software, with AutoCAD as the core of all. We use AutoCAD, Revit, and other CAD software. This list will be customized to meet the needs of each client.

The types of CAD conversion services provided at AceCAD
  • Image to CAD Conversion Services
  • In this service, we convert scanned images to perfect CAD entities. The Image to CAD conversion can be done both in 2D and 3D.
  • Paper to CAD Conversion Services
  • PDF to AutoCAD Conversion Services
  • Raster to Vector Conversion Services

A plan or construction drawing shows what you will build and how the final product will look when it is completed. However, there are many types of construction drawings. There are many types of drawings available, including blueprints, plans, and working drawings. The different types of commercial construction drawings, like any other complex document, require special skills to decipher.
            We cover the range of construction drawings used in commercial construction, including examples and why your specialty contracting firm, if it hasn't already, moves to connect its design department with the construction operations team (office and field) for improved document management and project delivery. The integration of best-of-class technologies and easily integrated minds within your construction company will significantly improve its business drivers, such as increasing productivity, profit margins, lowering operational costs, and reducing the risk of lawsuits.

The types of Construction drawing services provided at AceCAD
  • Architectural Drawings :
    This is one type of construction drawing. This gives a detailed view of a building. While there are many design programs available, nothing can match 3-D or 2-D modeling. This allows architects and designers to see the exact end product that the subcontractors will be building. An architectural drawing is a technical rendering of a building or building project that falls under architecture. Architectural drawings were traditionally made with ink on paper or similar material. To make copies, a costly printer is required and expensively hand-delivered. If you're still operating with a tremendous amount of paper, imagine the construction savings by shifting to a digital ecosystem.
  • Structural Drawings
    This type of construction drawing shows a complete view of the structure or structures involved in a building project. Structural drawings are usually prepared by licensed structural engineers using input from architectural drawings. Structural drawings highlight load-carrying elements (e.g., steel beams and joists and framing materials) of the structure. Because they don't address plumbing or partition walls, structural construction drawings are different from other drawings.
  • Electrical Drawings
    This technical drawing provides information on lighting, wiring, and power, as well as circuits for communication. The electrical construction drawings illustrate the physical layout and connections of the wires, components, and power lines inside the building. Electrical drawings use standard schema symbols to represent circuit breakers (transformers, capacitors), bus bars, conductors, and other details. Electrical contractors spend many years learning their craft. Software should make their jobs easier.
  • Plumbing and Sanitary Drawings:
    This technical drawing shows the system of pumping water into and out of the building. A drawing shows the equipment, pipes, pumps, drains, nature, size of the sinks, and the location of the gas. Drawings of plumbing construction show the location of the sanitary, water supply, fixtures, and how to connect each accessory.
  • Finishing Drawing:
    This drawing shows the final details and appearance of this building. The Construction Finishing Drawings include all building components such as paint colors, flooring patterns, plastering texture, and elevation designs.